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卢布尔雅那 / 斯洛文尼亚
About USEnota was founded in 1998 by Aljoša Dekleva, Dean Lah and Milan Tomac with the ambition to create contemporary and critical architectural practice of an open type based on collective approach to development of architectural and urban solution...
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About US

Enota was founded in 1998 by Aljoša Dekleva, Dean Lah and Milan Tomac with the ambition to create contemporary and critical architectural practice of an open type based on collective approach to development of architectural and urban solutions. Over the years Enota has been constantly developing and from the beginnings it has served as creative platform for more than fifty architects. Since 2002 Enota’s partner architects are Dean Lah and Milan Tomac. Constant changes and new complex situations in the world around us drive us to think about new ways of architectural and urban organization. In order to be able to produce answers to those new questions we believe it’s time to surpass the boundaries of conventional discipline set mainly by our cultural backgrounds. Enota’s team of architects focuses on research driven design of the environment where study of contemporary social organizations and use of new technologies are interwoven to produce innovative and effective solutions. Enota’s solutions are strongly influenced by research, reinterpretation and development of social, organizational and design algorithms that derive from nature. The result is always a strong binding of the buildings with the environment that surrounds them.

Enota由Aljoša Dekleva、Dean Lah和Milan Tomac于1998年创立,旨在创造当代和批判性的开放型建筑实践,以集体方式开发建筑和城市解决方案。多年来,Enota一直在不断发展,从一开始就成为50多位建筑师的创作平台。自2002年以来,Enota的合作伙伴建筑师是Dean Lah和Milan Tomac。我们周围世界的不断变化和新的复杂情况促使我们思考建筑和城市组织的新方式。为了能够对这些新问题做出回答,我们相信现在是时候超越主要由我们的文化背景设定的传统学科的界限了。Enota的建筑师团队专注于研究驱动的环境设计,对当代社会组织的研究和新技术的使用交织在一起,产生创新和有效的解决方案。Enota的解决方案受到研究的强烈影响,重新解释和发展源自自然的社会、组织和设计算法。其结果总是将建筑与周围的环境紧密地结合在一起。

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