Jobs from AND Studio
From:AND Studio

关于我们 | ABOUT AND

AND Studio是一家国际性的建筑设计与咨询公司,由Duccio Cardelli (杜秋·卡尔岱里) 和王宁先生于 2015年在法国巴黎合伙创立,并于同年在中国上海开设了工作室。在创立工作室之前,他们曾与法国著名建筑与规划大师、1994年普里兹克建筑奖 (Pritzker Prize) 得主——克里斯蒂安·德·包赞巴克合作超过十余年,并在其影响下对建筑产生了更深层的理解。

AND Studio的团队由来自欧洲和中国的设计师组成,饱含激情与创造力地在世界各地参与不同类型、不同尺度的项目;积极地与各个领域的专家一起参与包括城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计和产品设计等不同领域的设计活动。基于相近的建筑理念、和谐的工作节奏、广泛接纳不同的思维方式与文化理念等共性,我们与世界各地不同领域的顶级国际咨询公司均保持着紧密而稳固的合作,致力于为每一个项目找到最好、最适合的设计方案。


前行的路上,AND Studio持续寻找与我们理念相同、工作方法契合的小伙伴,共同以多元的文化背景、多尺度的工作内容和高效的工作节奏创造和提出改变世界的设计。

AND Studio is an international architecture design and consulting corporation, founded by Duccio Cardelli and Ning Wang in Paris, France in 2015 and AND Studio Shanghai sub-branch is established in the same year. Before setting up the studio, they had cooperated with famous French architect — Christian De Portzamparc, who won Pritzker Prize in 1994, for more than 10 years. Under his influence, Duccio and Ning have a deeper understanding of architecture.

AND’s team comprises professional designers with passion and creativity from Europe and China, and they have participated in various projects with different kinds and scales all around the world. We have abundant cooperation with various top international consulting companies in different fields all around the world, to implement design practice in various fields like urban design, architecture design, landscape design, interior design and product design. The solid and stable relationship net is based on the similar architectural conception, harmonious working pace and an open mind widely absorbs different thinking modes and cultural concepts in order to seek a best and most suitable design scheme to every single project.

Urbanism and Architecture reflect its time and its values, its social and cultural practices. We founded a place of connections and exchange, creating the necessary communication and relation between professionals to always find ideas of our time.

AND Studio continues to look for designers who share our philosophy and approach to creating and proposing world-changing designs with diverse cultural backgrounds, multi-scale work content and efficient working rhythms.


AND Studio 上海办公室



@ 建筑师 Architect


We work on projects of all scales, from single rural buildings of a few hundred square meters to large urban designs, in both mega cities and remote villages, and this year we are looking overseas. We are looking for progressive designers to join us and would like you to:

• 建筑学或相关设计专业本科以上学历,建筑设计工作3-5年以上,具有大型公共建筑,特别是文化、体育建筑的经验。
• 具有独到的创作理念及创新意识,工作态度认真严谨,独立且高效。
• 熟悉项目设计流程,拥有项目后期深化及落地经验,能够相对独立组织项目。
• 能熟练使用Rhino、SU、Auto CAD、Adobe、Revit、Grasshopper等绘图排版建模软件。
• 具有良好的团队合作意识和沟通能力。
• 具有海外留学和工作经历、精通英语法语者优先。

• Bachelor’s degree or above in architecture or related design disciplines, with at least 3-5 years of architectural design experience in large public buildings, especially cultural and sports buildings.
• With unique creative ideas and innovative consciousness, serious and rigorous working attitude, independent and efficient.
• Familiar with the project design process, with post-project deepening and implementation experience, able to organize projects relatively independently.
• Ability to use Rhino, SU, Auto CAD, Adobe, Revit, Grasshopper and other drawing, layout and modelling software.
• Good sense of teamwork and communication skills.
• Overseas study and work experience, fluent in English and French is an advantage.

@ 驻场建筑师(全职/兼职) Resident Architect(Full time/Part time)

• 负责公司当地项目的深化工作。
• 负责和当地设计院的对接和研究工作。
• 负责配合当地即将进入施工的项目落地。
• 维系所在地区项目的业主关系。
• 参与当地大区域里新项目的组织和工作。

The company won the tender through the owner’s commission and international competition, now has a number of landed projects in Sichuan and Tibet, need to recruit a staff living in Chengdu, mainly responsible for the following work:
• Responsible for the deepening of the company’s local projects.
• Responsible for docking and research work with local design institutes.
• Responsible for cooperating with local projects that are about to enter construction.
• Maintain the relationship with the owner of the project in the area.
• Participate in the organization and work of new projects in the local area.

We expect you to:

• 建筑学或相关设计专业本科以上学历,具有3-5年以上建筑设计工作经验,独到的创作理念及创新意识,工作态度认真严谨,独立且高效。
• 熟悉项目设计流程,拥有项目后期深化及落地经验,能够相对独立组织项目。
• 具有良好的团队合作意识和沟通能力,有与设计院、第三方专项技术专家、政府及业主沟通的经验。
• 能熟练使用Rhino、SU,Auto CAD、Adobe、 Grasshopper等绘图排版建模软件。
• 精通英语或法语,可以和欧洲团队直接对接。具有海外留学和工作经历者优先。
• 工作时间相对自由,需要极高自我管理和自我驱动能力,可以接受一定程度的兼职和居家办公。

• Bachelor degree or above in architecture or related design majors, with at least 3-5 years of working experience in architectural design, unique creative ideas and innovative consciousness, serious and rigorous working attitude, independent and efficient.
• Familiar with the project design process, with post-project deepening and implementation experience, able to organize projects relatively independently.
• Good sense of teamwork and communication skills, with experience in communicating with design institutes, third party special technical experts, government and owners.
• Ability to use Rhino, SU, Auto CAD, Adobe, Grasshopper and other drawing and layout modelling software.
• Fluent in English or French and able to interface directly with European teams. Overseas study and work. experience is an advantage.
• Working hours are relatively free and require a high degree of self-management and self-drive, a degree of part-time and home working is acceptable.

@ 景观设计师  Landscape Designer


Our company has both large scale municipal space planning landscape design and small scale rural, purely natural environment landscape design projects. We are not involved in real estate, commercial or community landscape design and therefore would like you to:

• 具有良好的景观设计教育背景,对大自然有天然的热爱和美学能力,熟悉宏观生态体系和植物特性。
• 熟悉项目各阶段的工作流程,能够梳理景观概念和整体生态体系分析,能够落实设计节点和基本植物树种的设计清单,拥有真实方案落地经验。
• 拥有极其优秀的审美,空间感强;熟练使用AutoCAD、Photoshop、Rhinoceros等软件,对专业基础知识掌握扎实。
• 有责任感和团队合作意识,能与建筑师、规划师协同工作,同时有良好的团队领导力和项目管理能力。

• Have a good educational background in landscape design, a natural love of nature and aesthetic ability, familiar with macro-ecological systems and plant characteristics.
• Familiar with the workflow of each project phase, able to sort out landscape concepts and overall ecosystem analysis, able to implement design nodes and design lists of basic plant species, and have experience in real program、 implementation.
• Familiar with the project design process, with post-project deepening and implementation experience, able to organize projects relatively independently.
• Possess an extremely good aesthetic with a strong sense of space; skilled in the use of AutoCAD, Photoshop, Rhinoceros and other software, with a solid grasp of professional fundamentals.
• A sense of responsibility and teamwork, able to work. collaboratively with architects and planners, as well as having good team leadership and project management skills.

@ 资深室内设计师 Senior Interior Designer


We work on a variety of projects at different scales and also have many architectural interior integration projects. We are looking for designers with a complex approach to join us. We expect you to:

• 室内设计相关专业本科及以上学历,5年以上公建室内设计经验。
• 熟悉项目各阶段的工作流程,操作过优秀设计项目的落地全过程。
• 拥有极其优秀的审美,空间感强;熟练使用AutoCAD、Photoshop、Rhinoceros等软件,对专业基础知识掌握扎实。
• 有责任感和团队合作意识,能与建筑师、规划师协同工作,同时有良好的团队领导力和项目管理能力。

• Bachelor degree or above in interior design related majors, 5+ years of experience in public building interior design.
• Familiar with the workflow of all project phases and have operated in the whole process of landing excellent design projects.
• Excellent aesthetics and a strong sense of space; skilled in using AutoCAD, Photoshop, Rhinoceros, SketchUp and other software, with a solid grasp of professional fundamentals.
• A sense of responsibility and teamwork, able to work collaboratively with architects and planners, as well as having good team leadership and project management skills.

@ 建筑/景观设计/室内设计 实习生 Intern       


We create a place of connection and exchange between different professions. If you are a student, you are more than welcome to come and do an internship! We are looking for you to be:

• 设计专业本科大三以上或研究生在读。
• 具有良好的方案设计、图面表达和能力,建筑实习生应善于手工模型制作。
• 掌握Rhino、AutoCAD、Photoshop、InDesign等软件,中英文沟通能力强。
• 有好奇心、责任心和团队合作意识,积极主动,学习欲望强烈。
• 全日制实习不少于3个月,非全日制的模式可商议。

• Being in your third year of undergraduate or postgraduate study in design.
• Good schematic design, graphic expression and ability, architectural interns should be good at manual modelling.
• Mastery of software such as Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop, InDesign, and strong communication skills in English and Chinese.
• A sense of curiosity, responsibility and teamwork, a proactive approach and a strong desire to learn.
• Full-time internship of not less than 3 months, part-time model is negotiable.



• 申请人请将简历和作品集以PDF形式(不超过10M)发送至,请在邮件标题处注明姓名、申请职位、最高学历、工作年限,并于邮件正文注明期望薪资和可能的最早入职日期;
• 作品集中希望包含学生时期的作品,如果有绘画等有代表性的视觉艺术作品,也很欢迎提供;
• 我们会在收到申请两周内,邮件或电话联系合格的申请者安排面试。

• Applicants should send their CV and portfolio as a pdf ( no more than 10M) to Please include your name, the position you are applying for, your highest level of education, your years of experience and your salary expectations and earliest possible start date in the body of the email;
• The portfolio is expected to include work from the student years, and representative visual artwork such as paintings if available;
• Qualified applicants will be contacted by email or telephone within two weeks of receipt of their application to arrange an interview.



▼拉萨唐卡博物馆丨Lhasa Thangka Museum
2022年竣工交付丨Built, 2022

▼8432长三角路演中心丨8342 Yangtze River Delta Roadshow Center
2018年竣工交付丨Built, 2018

▼上海奉贤索菲特野奢酒店丨Shanghai Sofitel Luxury Hotel
委托项目,建设中丨Commissioned Project, Under Construction

▼成都巴克斯烈酒文化体验中心丨Bacchus Liquor Center
委托项目,建设中丨Commissioned Project, Under Construction

▼中国人民大学新校区丨New Campus of Renmin University of China
国际竞赛中标,建设中丨International Competition WON, Under Construction

▼温州鳌江文体馆丨Jinmao Aojiang Sports, Culture Center
竞赛中标,建设中丨Competition WON, Under Construction


联系我们 | Contact Us

Shanghai, China
Address: 上海市静安区南京西路1486号东海广场3号楼1120
Tel: +86 21 6333 0071

Paris, France
Address: 49 rue des Petites Ecuries 75010
Tel: +33 6 17 01 34 01

AND Studio
知名建筑 / 设计企业
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Published on 2023/10/30
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